Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why I Haven't Been Here

Otherwise entitled: My List of Excuses.

1)We all got sick with a horrible virus (except my husband who waited on us and took care of the house, I love that man!)

2) have been going to routine Dr. checkups with my grandmother. Kind of creepy since I haven't been to a Dr. since Jacob was about 6 months.

3) Trying to get a solid routine set in place, and let me tell you ITS NOT WORKING! Its amazing how much being in a different house can throw you off.

4) We've been spring cleaning/organizing a garage sale.  This should only take us, I don't know, until next summer.....

5)Jacob and I have been doing "tot school".  Because a bored Jacob morphs into Tasmanian Devil Jacob. We've been making letter crafts and reading library books.  It all feels very "homeschool like"  and I am enjoying it. 

5) Jason and I had a talk this past Sunday because I was having a "bad morning" and threw a temper tantrum.  As embarrassing as it is to admit that, I think its important that I do.  So now, My husband has said that Saturday is officially "Get Ready for Sunday-Day" so future melt-down, hissy fits can be avoided. Ahem.

6) I was involved in a charity project to make birth kits for midwives in Haiti.  I had some friends over and everyone pitched in.  We made 18 kits!   I thoroughly enjoyed having people over and hope to do so again soon. 

So  there are my excuses, and now for my goals. 

- Jason wants to go to church Wednesday and attend Sunday School as well as service on Sunday........every week.  Yes, I know I only have 2 kids (3 if you count my grandmother!)  but it is hard work especially since I have no idea what I'm doing.  So I will be planning how to make that go more smoothly. 

- Exercise.  Ick.  I know I'll never look like 130 lb me but I would like to work on being more healthy. 

-Working on meek and gentle spirit, controlling anger and thinking joyful thoughts.  Man, that's work all on its own.

-Implementing another bedtime routine.  We get the kids on one and then jason goes on call and everything goes to pot.  *sigh*  i will be in charge of keeping up with the new routine while Jason's pressure there huh? 

Thats all for now, sorry for the rambling.  But if I don't write it down it stays in my head and nothing else will fit.  : )

God Bless,


  1. I've been missing your posts! I was so excited to see an update from you today. You are one busy lady!

    I had to chuckle at #6. I've been known to have temper tantrum/ hissy fits too. Ah yes.

    I'd love to hear more about the birth kits you made for Haiti. Sounds very interesting.

    Welcome back Melodie!

  2. Yes, I noticed you were quiet. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, dear and most of all keep yourself in the WORD. :)

  3. What a wonderful of excuses!

    I love that you are taking care of the Haitian midwives. I pray they will be a huge blessing. I just packed two boxes of clothes, shoes, candy and toys and Bibles to a Kenyan pastor and his family. It is so wonderful to be able to give out of our abundance!

